Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Two Cool Things....

More of what Isaac is saying these days.....

....After dinner this evening Isaac asked me, "Mommy, when Grammy is visiting at our house does Papap eat at a restaurant?" And I said, "Yes, sometimes he does and sometimes he cooks." Then Isaac said, "Does he cook good food or yucky food?" Then he said, "Daddy tried to cook food once and it was yucky." One evening when I was gone (not sure why, but I think I was sick and at the doctor), Scott had to cook dinner and he attempted to make chicken fried rice, the boys favorite cuisine at the time. Well, it didn't go so well and they did not eat it. Isaac always remembers that when he thinks of Scott's cooking. In his defense, he can cook :)

Also, this evening, he was watching a movie and at the end of the movie a girl and boy were saying goodbye to each other, and he said, "They are going to miss each other alot." Then he said, "They are cousins." WHY is this cool?? Two reasons: 1)The fact that he thought they were cousins and that they would miss each other so much says how much he loves and misses his cousins :) 2)The fact that he thought they were cousins is cool because the girl in the movie was white and the boy was black.

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