Wednesday, April 7, 2010

So many questions

Isaac has been asking so many questions lately. It makes me wonder, what is he thinking about that makes him ask these questions.

Today, around lunch time, he asked me who was Mammy's Mom (my great Grandmother on my Mom's side). I told him that her name was Grandma Nell. He wanted to know what she looked like and where she lived. I told him what she looked like and that she was in Heaven. Then he wanted to know who Grandma Judy's Mom was and what she looked like(my great Grandmother on my Dad's side). So I told him her name was Grandma Lawson and what she looked like and that she was also in Heaven. Then he asked about Oma's Mom (Scott's great Grandmother on his Mom's side). I told him I didn't know her name or what she looked like, but we could ask Daddy.

Several hours later, close to bedtime, he says out of the blue, "Mommy, we are all going to die one day." And I said to him, "Yes, we will....but we will be in Heaven with God and Jesus and everyone we know that is in Heaven, so it will be ok." And he said, "Yeah, like all our family." And I said, "Yes that's right." Then he said, "Ok."

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