Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Missing Tortoise

We have a pet tortoise, Boo-Boo, whom we have had for a couple of years. Since the weather has been nice, we have been letting him outside during the day, to soak up some sun and walk in the grass. He has also been enjoying some dandelions. We have a big gate that can attach and make a big square, so he is enclosed. Well, this afternoon, I looked out the window to check on him and he was gone!! I couldn't believe it!

I ran down to see if I could spot him and but I couldn't. He had dug in the grass and dirt, till he was able to craw under part of the gate. Isaac was watching all of this from the door. His allergies are really bothering him, so I've been keeping him inside all day, otherwise he would have been right by my side!

When I ran down to check on him, it was 4:40 pm and I had dinner on the stove, so I couldn't stay out looking for him long. So, I came back in and sent Scott a text to let him know what was going on. After dinner, I quickly cleaned up, took the kids downstairs with me and looked outside for about 10 minutes. Still no Boo-Boo. I decided to wait for Scott to get home and look a little better.

I kind of had a feeling he was under our deck, but I was not going to go all the way under there looking for him.....way to many bugs and who knows what else!!!

As soon as Scott got home he went out looking for him. He was only out about 15 minutes before I heard the door close downstairs. I was thinking, wow, either he found him, or he is coming in to come up with another plan.

As he came up the stairs he had a big smile on his face and said, "He's back in his cage!" YAY! Daddy is the hero!!

He was under the deck, underneath the lawn mower. Scott said he was sleeping!! LOL He was probably so tired!

When we were waiting for Scott to get home, Isaac said to me, "Mommy, if Daddy doesn't find Boo-Boo, I'm going to crawl out my window tonight to go look for him." Then he said, "And if I don't find him, I will have a dream about him tonight." WOW....the things he says just blows my mind!!!

Then after Scott found him, I said, "I knew he was under that deck!" Then I asked Scott, "What made you look under the lawn mower?" And Isaac said, "I bet God told him to look under there." So, he goes into the other room and says, "Daddy, did God tell you to look under the lawn mower?" And Scott answers, "Yeah, I guess He did." Isaac comes back into the kitchen and says, "Mommy, God did tell Daddy to look under the lawn mower." "He helped us find Boo-Boo." "He is a part of our family, I'm so glad he's back." LOL!!


  1. I can't believe Boo Boo got loose! So glad Scott found him :)

  2. Isaac is a really doing a lot of deep thinking these days!! He is soooooooooooo growing up!
