Saturday, August 22, 2009

A Lesson From My 2 Year Old

Yesterday was a very challenging day here at the Smith house. From sun up to sun down I was having discipline issues...mostly with the oldest. When there are issues even with one, it is difficult for everyone. Partly because it takes so much of my energy and time, but also because it can put me in a not so good mood. I find it very challenging to discipline and remain joy filled and patient....I guess that is every Mother's quest.

So, by the time I was preparing dinner, my patience and joy had pretty much been depleted. It seemed that Isaac was doing something every 5 minutes to get in trouble and/or terrorize Eric. I was standing at the stove and Eric was tugging at my leg, crying at the top of his lungs. He wanted me to pick him up. I kept telling him, "Not right now, Mommy is trying to cook." It's not easy to hold 25 lbs and cook at the same time. Luckily, Lauren was in a great mood and was very pacified in the swing watching a Baby Einstein show. However, the stress of the day was getting to me.

When I had a moment in between chopping, sauteing, straining, and steaming, I picked Eric up because the screaming hadn't stopped. Instantly, he was fine....he just wanted me to hold him. For a moment, everything was quiet...except the B.E. music in the background and the sizzling on the stove. Then....Eric started singing...."Our an awesome God...".

In the midst of our crazy day, Eric wanted to sing praises to our AWESOME GOD!!! And doesn't God tell us that even in the midst of our storms or troubles or challenging days...that we should praise Him?? Yes. I got a lesson from my amazing 2 year old son today....that sometimes we just need to take a step back, be still, and praise God. Not because everything is going great. Not because everything is working as it should. Not because we did everything right. But because He is God and He is worthy of praise.

Thank you God for teaching me...even through my baby Eric. Thank you that Isaac and Eric learned that amazing song..."Our God is An Awesome God" at VBS!!!


  1. This is such a great post! And sooo true!

  2. Aw Melanie this is an amazing post! You are right. Sometimes I also need to step back and just be thankful and count our blessings! Life is so fast and busy that I often forget just how lucky we really are. I lol'd at the Baby Einstein. You are a great mom and I look forward to your entries so I can get some tips! xox
