Friday, August 14, 2009

"I want 10 babies"

Isaac LOVES babies SO much!! He always has. When we brought Eric home, he loved, and loved, and loved on him all the time. And when Eric started to get bigger, Isaac would say, "I miss my baby Eric." And when we brought Lauren home, Eric and Isaac would love and love and love on her....and still do!! They LOVE having a baby sister. However, in the last couple of weeks, Isaac has been noticing that Lauren is getting bigger. The other day he said, "Mommy, I miss my baby peanut Lauren.....she's getting so big."

He has been asking when we are going to have another baby. I have been explaining to him that we are not having any more babies...that we are finished!! I have also explained that when he grows up, he can get married and have his own baby.

So, this morning Isaac said, "I love my baby (meaning Lauren)." Then he said, "I want to have this many babies...and held up both hands." And I said, "10?" And he said, "Yes, I want to have 10 babies when I grown up." Then he said, "I think my wife will want 10 babies too."

It was everything Scott and I could do to not start laughing out loud. He is TOTALLY serious!!
He LOVES babies : ) So sweet!!

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