Monday, July 20, 2009

Isaac's 4th Birthday

On our way home from Eric's Birthday night out, I asked Isaac what he wanted to do for his Birthday and he said, "I want to ride a real train." So, after dinner on Friday, July 17th, we all loaded up in the mini-van and headed for the nearest Metro Station. Scott and I figured that riding the Metro would suffice as a "real" train. Although we did explain to him that this was a passenger train, and that it did not go "choo-choo". He seemed to be fine with that.

When we got to the parking lot a train was pulling into the station and Isaac screamed at the top of his lungs, "TRAIN!!" When we got inside the station both the boys were quiet and serious. I think they were in awe. When our train started to approach the station, I wasn't sure if they would be excited or scared. But thankfully, they were both very excited....but again, quiet and serious.

We didn't really have an objective, other than ride the train, however, we decided to get off at the Clarenden stop and walk around a bit. It was such a beautiful evening and it was very reminiscent being in Arlington. Scott and I haven't spent much time there since our first year of marriage. And of course, Arlington used to be home for me for several years. Scott took the boys across the street to CVS to look for a toy, while Mom, Lauren, and I sat on the park benches.

Then it was time to head back. They were just as much in awe on the train ride home. When we got home I asked Isaac what his favorite part was....and I was just sure he would say either seeing the train or riding the train....but instead he said, "Walking around in the city."

He and Eric have been talking about it everyday since! I'm sure the Metro will be a part of our future as a family from now on : ) Fun stuff!

About to dive into his cupcake

Isaac in front of the Memorial for those killed in the Korean and Vietnam Wars

Grammy and Isaac walking in the park in Clarendon

Waiting for the train

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