Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday Eric Jayden!

Baby Eric is officially a big boy now. Lot's of big boy things just around the corner....using the potty, wearing underwear, walking up and down the stairs on his own, sleeping in a toddler bed, giving up his binki.....gosh, he has so much to face : )

He had a wonderful day yesterday! We celebrated him all day. We all say Happy Birthday to him at breakfast. Then after breakfast, we made a sign. Then we all sat on the couch and looked at baby pictures and videos of Eric. After nap time, Scott came home early and we all loaded up and went to the mall for some fun. First we rode the train. Then we decided to try a new place to eat. I took a look at their menu earlier in the day, called and spoke to the chef to tell him our dietary concerns, and he helped me pick a few things we could eat!! So, we ate at The Cheesecake Factory. Dinner was amazing! Everyone ate SO good and the boys were on their best behavior. After dinner, we rode the carousel, visited the indoor playground, and the Disney store. We got home in time for Eric to blow out 2 candles on top of his favorite....banana bread : ) Then, we opened a package from Grammy. Even though they were not a "birthday present", Eric didn't realize it, and he was elated to have 3 new pairs of Grammy made PJ pants...and so was Isaac. Everyone ended the day with a quick bath,story, and it was off to bed. I think Eric would say it was a perfect day.

I must say, I was so proud of Isaac and how much he celebrated Eric. All day long, he would say to Eric, "Happy Birthday EJ!" Or he would say, "Eric is a birthday boy!" Or he would sing Happy Birthday. I think Isaac had the most fun really celebrating his little brother. Experiencing that kind of love is priceless!! I honestly thought there would be one, if not more, times during the day that Isaac would feel jealous.....however, I was refreshingly surprised by the exact opposite!! Amazing! And Eric was so blessed to receive his brother's love. He thinks Isaac is the best thing since binkis.

When I kissed Eric goodnight, I asked him if he had a good Birthday....she shook his head yes and smiled. He is much like his Daddy....a man of few words : )

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