Monday, July 20, 2009

Isaac's 4th Birthday

On our way home from Eric's Birthday night out, I asked Isaac what he wanted to do for his Birthday and he said, "I want to ride a real train." So, after dinner on Friday, July 17th, we all loaded up in the mini-van and headed for the nearest Metro Station. Scott and I figured that riding the Metro would suffice as a "real" train. Although we did explain to him that this was a passenger train, and that it did not go "choo-choo". He seemed to be fine with that.

When we got to the parking lot a train was pulling into the station and Isaac screamed at the top of his lungs, "TRAIN!!" When we got inside the station both the boys were quiet and serious. I think they were in awe. When our train started to approach the station, I wasn't sure if they would be excited or scared. But thankfully, they were both very excited....but again, quiet and serious.

We didn't really have an objective, other than ride the train, however, we decided to get off at the Clarenden stop and walk around a bit. It was such a beautiful evening and it was very reminiscent being in Arlington. Scott and I haven't spent much time there since our first year of marriage. And of course, Arlington used to be home for me for several years. Scott took the boys across the street to CVS to look for a toy, while Mom, Lauren, and I sat on the park benches.

Then it was time to head back. They were just as much in awe on the train ride home. When we got home I asked Isaac what his favorite part was....and I was just sure he would say either seeing the train or riding the train....but instead he said, "Walking around in the city."

He and Eric have been talking about it everyday since! I'm sure the Metro will be a part of our future as a family from now on : ) Fun stuff!

About to dive into his cupcake

Isaac in front of the Memorial for those killed in the Korean and Vietnam Wars

Grammy and Isaac walking in the park in Clarendon

Waiting for the train

Thursday, July 16, 2009

"How Many Days Till Grammy Gets Here?"

That was the first thing out of Isaac's mouth this morning. I told him, "0" and I thought we was gonna jump out of his skin!!! He said, "I can't wait to see my Grammy!" I am wondering if he is gonna be able to sleep for his nap today, knowing she may be here when he wakes up....we'll see.

When I told Eric Grammy was coming today he said, "YAH!" and clapped his hands. It will be great to be together for a few weeks. We can't wait to see the Crissmans, Clearys, Brumfields, Fannins, and Biggsessss too!!!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Getting ready for the party

So I've been getting ready for the boys party on Saturday. I think they are really gonna love it!! I have a fun craft planned for them and they don't know anything about it. They are gonna make sock puppets. I've been looking at pictures online to get some ideas of how and what to make. I am sure all the kiddos will need some help, but it will be lots of fun for them to make a puppet and then take it home to play with! Mom is picking up some of the supplies we need to make them and is bringing them with her. I'm hoping to have time to put one together as an example.
We are going to the party supply store on Friday morning so they can pick out some decorations. I have no idea what they may pick out, but I'm gonna let them look through everything and see what they come up with.

I also have a game the tail on "something". We are also gonna eat pizza (gluten and dairy free of course), fruit, and cupcakes. I'm making a new frosting recipe that's sugar free, so I'll let you know how it goes.

We are now counting down the "naps" till Grammy gets here :) Can't wait!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Nathan & Sarah Singing for Eric

Water & Sand Table

Isaac and Eric love their birthday gift from Grammy and Papap!!
Eric calls it a "Bath"....he's so funny!!

Happy Birthday to Eric

He was afraid of the candles, even though every time we sang Happy Birthday to him today, he pretended to blow out candles : )

VERY excited at The Disney Store! They both left with a new bouncey ball.
Now this time Eric is scared...he wanted to ride, but didn't want out of my arms.
Yes, when he's scared or apprehensive, the hand goes
down my shirt.

On the train...Eric really is excited even though he looks scared to death!!
Making Eric's Happy Birthday Sign

Happy 2nd Birthday Eric Jayden!

Baby Eric is officially a big boy now. Lot's of big boy things just around the corner....using the potty, wearing underwear, walking up and down the stairs on his own, sleeping in a toddler bed, giving up his binki.....gosh, he has so much to face : )

He had a wonderful day yesterday! We celebrated him all day. We all say Happy Birthday to him at breakfast. Then after breakfast, we made a sign. Then we all sat on the couch and looked at baby pictures and videos of Eric. After nap time, Scott came home early and we all loaded up and went to the mall for some fun. First we rode the train. Then we decided to try a new place to eat. I took a look at their menu earlier in the day, called and spoke to the chef to tell him our dietary concerns, and he helped me pick a few things we could eat!! So, we ate at The Cheesecake Factory. Dinner was amazing! Everyone ate SO good and the boys were on their best behavior. After dinner, we rode the carousel, visited the indoor playground, and the Disney store. We got home in time for Eric to blow out 2 candles on top of his favorite....banana bread : ) Then, we opened a package from Grammy. Even though they were not a "birthday present", Eric didn't realize it, and he was elated to have 3 new pairs of Grammy made PJ pants...and so was Isaac. Everyone ended the day with a quick bath,story, and it was off to bed. I think Eric would say it was a perfect day.

I must say, I was so proud of Isaac and how much he celebrated Eric. All day long, he would say to Eric, "Happy Birthday EJ!" Or he would say, "Eric is a birthday boy!" Or he would sing Happy Birthday. I think Isaac had the most fun really celebrating his little brother. Experiencing that kind of love is priceless!! I honestly thought there would be one, if not more, times during the day that Isaac would feel jealous.....however, I was refreshingly surprised by the exact opposite!! Amazing! And Eric was so blessed to receive his brother's love. He thinks Isaac is the best thing since binkis.

When I kissed Eric goodnight, I asked him if he had a good Birthday....she shook his head yes and smiled. He is much like his Daddy....a man of few words : )

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Goodbye MJ

Watching the Memorial today for MJ was unbelievable. It was very emotional for me...and I am still in shock that he is gone. It became all to real when I saw his golden casket. I have had him and his family, particularly his children, on my heart since he died on the 25th of June. However, I didn't realize the Memorial was going to impact me the way in which it did. The second I saw his casket I started crying and didn't stop till after the service ended. I am thankful all the kiddos were asleep for almost the entire service, so I could mourn in peace. Isaac did however wake up right before it ended, when MJ's daughter, Paris, was speaking. He wanted to know who she was and why she was crying. It was the first conversation I had w/ him about dieing (other than a bug). He said, "Oh Mommy, that is so sad." I told him that we needed to pray for her and her brothers because they miss their Daddy very much. So, he started praying right then......."Jesus name...(that's how we always starts his prayers)....thank you for Micheal Jackson." "Please help his little girl and boys feel better because they miss their Daddy so much, Amen."

As Queen Latifa put it, "There were many of us who have loved him our whole lives, even though we have loved him from a distance." That is exactly how I feel. Like I have loved him from a distance. And I have always loved him...despite all the rumors (which I never believed).

Scott said it best when he said that MJ will live on forever in us and the best thing we can do is keep him alive for our children so they "know" him is through his music and dance. So, I played one of our MJ CD's during dinner, then after dinner we got up and danced. So fun!

To me, the best line of the day was....."The King of Pop is now bowing his knee to the KING OF KINGS." What an amazing image.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Sunday Morning

Lauren looked so pretty at church today I just had to get a few pictures and a video. She is so big that she is already wearing 6 to 9 month size!!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July 2009

Grammy, we love the shirts! Hope you all have a great 4th of July together. We miss and love you!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Lauren Playing

This is one of Isaac and Eric's toys, but Lauren loved playing with it today.

Scott Cooked Dinner Tonight!

So Scott told me this morning that he wanted to cook dinner this evening....and I said "SURE!" So he picked the menu and everything! It was amazing....honey roasted duck, rice, cauliflower, and squash. He not only cooked, but cleaned up too! What a great start to the 4th weekend!!

Lauren 4 1/2 months - "growling"

Lauren has been practicing making new sounds and her favorite is's so cute! We have been calling her our little tigger.

Scott and Mel - 5 Years of Marriage

Gosh, I can't believe it's been 5 years...but at the same time, it seems like so much has happened in a small amount of time. Since Grammy was in town, we got to go out for a bit. We went to our favorite Thai place in Brambleton. It was so great to be out...just the 2 of us.