Wednesday, February 24, 2010

"That's an old woman song!"

Today Isaac and Eric were running around the house with cape clipped to the back of their shirts pretending to be super hero's. Isaac came into the kitchen to ask me if I had any super hero music. He said he wanted to run around with super hero music on. I told him I didn't think I had any super hero music. So, he said, "I guess you could turn on Our God Is An Awesome God." Then he said, "No, not that one, that is and old woman song." I said, "WHAT??!!" "An old woman song?" "What is that!?" And he said, "It's an old woman song, because that is a song you play all the time." I thought I was going to die!!! So, I said, "How about I Am Saved By Grace?" And he said, "No you play that all the time too, so that is an old woman song too!" Oh my gosh......I'm an old woman.

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