Wednesday, February 24, 2010

"Mommy, you forgot to pray for the most important part."

When we sat down for dinner tonight, I prayed for our food, "God, thank you so much this good food you gave us and for helping Mommy know how to cook it for us, in Jesus name, Amen." Then Isaac said, "Mommy you forgot the pray the most important part." I asked him what did I forget? And he said, "You forgot to ask God to bless the most important woman in the world." Then he said, "You are the best Mommy in the world, you do everything for us." "You cook our food, you clean the house, you get our clothes ready, you put us to bed for naps, you drive us everywhere, you play with us." I was FLOORED to say the least!! I told him thank you and that was the sweetest thing he ever said to me and that made me feel so special. He kept going on about all the things I do for them. Then he said, "Mommy, is God happy when I say things like that?" And I told him "Yes, He is!" A few seconds later he said, "Mommy, last night when Daddy was putting me and Eric to bed, he told us those things and we prayed all those things to God." "Daddy said all those things about you too." I told him again thank you and how sweet it was for him to tell me that. I could not believe it. The fruit you see in your child is just amazing. What a blessing he is. He really made up for the old woman comment.


  1. Wow. This post just makes me smile. Isaac is so intelligent and God is already working in his life at the age of 4! And he is are all those things.

  2. So sweet, Mel. What a great son you have! And an awesome husband/father too, reminding your kids of how wonderful you are even when you aren't around.

  3. that is so sweet! great kids AND great hubby!!!!
