Wednesday, February 10, 2010


So I have been Missing In Action for a while. Life has gotten even busier and fuller than before. I started working on my master's degree in January, so my "free" time (what little I had) has been very limited. And most of the free time I do have, I am studying.

It's a good thing though, and something I have been "looking" too for a while now. I feel as though I have started on a new journey....a new calling....that has been in my heart for over 7 years. And this is just the beginning, but it has started!!

I am in a Seminary program at Liberty University Online, studying for a Master's in Religion in Pastoral Counseling. Not sure if I will stop with that, or continue on for a Master's in Divinity as well. Going to finish the first one, and see what God has in store for me then.

Liberty's online program is set up in 8 week quarters, so the classes are accelerated; therefore, I'm only taking 1 class per quarter. So far, my class is going great! I am really enjoying the time I am spending studying and the material. I am taking New Testament Orientation. God has really given me desire to study and a grace with the reading, being that I have never enjoyed or been good at reading.

As I mentioned before, I'm not sure what God has in store for my future, but I do know something with Women's Ministry of some sort. It just feels good to have taken the first step of many towards this passion and calling He has placed in my heart.

Please pray for me to continue to have the desire to study, extra brain power to understand what I'm studying, and that I would remain in the Lord's presence at all times so that I will always remember I am right where He wants me to be. Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. There are great things in store for you and you have such a gift already. I can't imagine how much bigger and better it will get under God's guidance. <3 you!
