Sunday, November 1, 2009

St. Louis Ocotber 2009

Scott's Mom (Tamya) holding Lauren and Zianna (our niece)

Eating our lunch at the St. Louis Zoo.
Left to Right: LaDonna(niece), Nataya (sister), Zianna(niece),
Trisha(niece), William(Dad), Tamya(Mom)
Scott's Brother (Thaddeus) & Our nephew (Zephaniah)
Scott's friend (Christian) who we stayed with while in St. Louis.
Scott and Eric (acting silly) and LaDonna

Our nephew (Taylor) and niece (LaDonna) checking out the elephants.
Scott and Eric in the background checking out Eric's leaf.
I love this picture. If you look closely, you can see William, Scott, and Eric's profiles. So cool!!
Isaac in awe at the elephants!!
Christian holding his son Roman.
Lauren hanging out in her stroller.

Scott and Eric on the path at the zoo.
We had a wonderful trip to St. Louis to visit Scott's family!!! We left on Thursday morning the 22nd....VERY early (Scott and I got up at 3:30 am).....and got back Monday morning the 26th. This was Tamya and William's first time meeting Eric and Lauren, and only their second time meeting Isaac. Needless to say, they were thrilled to see them and be able to spend some time together!!
We stayed with one of Scott's former roommate's from here in VA...Christian...and his wife Nichole and their 2 year old son Roman....oh yeah, and their dog Trinkette....who was LOVED by Isaac, Eric, and Lauren! All three of them had a blast playing with the dog and I think Trinkette enjoyed the extra play time as well.
As you can see, we all had a great time at the St. Louis Zoo. It was a bit chilly that day, but with the sun peaking out from time to time, it was just right! We got to see some hipos, rhinos, peacocks, elephants, chimps, orangutans, AND.....the animal we have been talking about seeing for MONTHS.....GORILLAS!! It was great! When we got to the zoo, there were thousands of little one's there in their costumes. It was Halloween Day at the zoo and there were lots of other things going on. So, we got more than we even bargained for!! It was lots of fun.
We made alot of great memories while visiting St. Louis.....however, the last day there, Scott and Eric got sick. By the time we got home on Monday morning they were both feeling pretty bad.

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