Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Things They Say

I just love having two little people in the house who can talk to me and each other! Sometimes the things they say just cracks me up! AND sometimes the things they say makes me want to pull my hair out. AND other times it brings me to tears. Here are some of the good one's in the last couple of weeks:

Last week, I was having a difficult day and Isaac could tell. He put his hand on my arm and said, "It's ok Mommy. Take a deep breath and you will feel better."

My Mom is visiting right now and this morning while I was ironing some clothes for church, she and Isaac were sitting at the table eating cereal for breakfast. I could hear them chatting back and forth and Isaac says, "Grammy we are best friends. You are my best friend."

We have a couple of floor pillows in the living room and Eric loves to jump off of them onto the floor. Today, Eric and Isaac were in the living room together watching a show before nap time. I could hear Eric saying, "Isaac! Isaac! Isaac!" So I peaked around the corner and Isaac finally says, "Yes Eric." And Eric says, "Watch Isaac!!" So, Eric jumps off the pillow onto the floor....and Isaac says, "Good job Eric!" Eric kept hollering for Isaac to "watch" for the next 10 minutes. Eric wouldn't jump till Isaac would acknowledge him and watch!! Maybe he will get an idea of how I feel everyday :)

Last night we went to eat at our favorite Thai place. After dinner, we walked around outside on the sidewalk. There were some pretty flowers in these huge pots along the sidewalk. Eric and Isaac were both smelling them and saying how good they smelled. At the end of the sidewalk is a coffee shop. Isaac leaned down and smelled the flowers in front of the coffee shop and said, "These flowers smell like coffee!!!"

Eric has a new phrase for just about anything I ask of him or tell him...particularly when I'm telling him NOT too do something. He says, "Yes it is!" And he says it with such attitude! For example, I may ask him to get off the stairs and he will say, "Yes it is!" Or, I may ask him to stop throwing a toy and he will say, "Yes it is!" It's amazing how they start to develop this "confidence" at the age of 2!!! What is that???

And of course, the one I shared last week about Isaac smelling Lauren's poo-poo and it killing his brain.

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