Saturday, October 10, 2009

Pumpkin Patch with Grammy

Mom left today after visiting for the last 10 days. We had such a great time together!! At the last minute, I decided to have my annual costume and pumpkin party for the kids while she was here, since she may not get back before the end of the month. So, we visited the pumpkin patch to pick out some pumpkins for the party. When we got there, I told the boys, "If you can pick it up, you can bring it home." So, Isaac went for a pretty big one...and he was able to carry it to the wagon. Then Eric picked up a smaller one...and acted like he could hardly carry it : ) but managed to get it in the wagon too. They had a blast pulling their wagons around. It was a beautiful morning to be out pickin' our pumpkins. I just love this time of year!

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