Friday, September 11, 2009

Lauren is 7 Months Old Already!

I really can not believe Lauren is already 7 months old!! The time is just flying fact, it is going by even quicker with a 3rd!

She is so sweet and just smiles all the time. My Dad used to call me "Smiley Jo" because I used to smile all the time as a we have started calling Lauren "Smiley Jolie".

She still has only the two teeth on the bottom, but seems to be having a few more trying to come through, as she has been a little fussy at times the last couple of weeks. However, she is still eating and sleeping good, so I am very thankful for that!

She weighed 18 lbs at her 6 month checkup, so I'm sure she has gained another pound in the last least my arms and back think so!!

It is such a joy having a little girl in the house! I was so content having two boys before she arrived, but she has really completed our family. At times, I just think of her as a baby...and not that she is a girl....and I find myself looking at her in her cute little girl outfits and thinking, "Wow...she's a girl!!" And I just have to smile. There is just something about a Momma having a little girl. There is a different kind of bond between a Momma and her daughter. I think about when she will someday be a Wife and Momma herself.

It is also a joy to see Isaac and Eric with their sister. I thought the idea of them having a baby sister would grow old, but they are still just as enamored by her as the day we came home from the hospital!! They get so excited to see her when they wake up in the morning and they give her so many kisses and hugs throughout the day, that I loose count. Isaac comments on how beautiful she looks just about everyday....and always notices if she is wearing a new outfit : ) so sweet!
Can't wait to see what it will be like as she continues to grow and develop her own personality.
I'm sure it will be like a party at our house everyday :)


  1. Your family is so beautiful! I still remember our good times in VA. Miss you lots and am so happy to see everything going so well for you. love, gita

  2. OH, she is so beautiful in that color!!!! And, getting soooooooo big!! Cannot wait to see her!!! And, of course, the boys as well!!

    Love ya,
