Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Isaac's First Day of Pre-K

It's a pretty amazing thing when your first child is ready to leave the bubble and enter the world...even if it is only Preschool....2 days a week for 3 hours!!

When Scott and I began the "house hunting" process back in February, the area preschools were also taking applications for the upcoming Fall semester. Yes, that is early, but that's how they do things here in Northern Virginia : ) This left us in a huge dilemma, because we didn't know where we were going to live!!! So, I started praying that God would not only help me find the right preschool for Isaac, but that He would "hold" a space for him......not to mention that it would be affordable. Since surrendering my life to Christ about 5 years ago, I have tried to really embrace this verse:
Delight yourself in the LORD, and He shall give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the LORD, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass. ~ Psalm 37:4,5
It was April when we found our home and I knew where we were going to live....so, I started the process of weeding through all the area preschools. It took me about 2 to 3 weeks to narrow the search down to three different schools.

The one that I had the best feeling about was only 2 miles from our home. They had a space for him, it was affordable, it was a Christian preschool, and they were very understanding and supportive about Isaac's health concerns and diet!!! The director was so amazing on the phone, so we decided to check the school out in person. It was great! It wasn't until after we decided that Heaven Sent was the school for Isaac, that I found out a member of our church teaches there!! She is a friend of mine and has had only wonderful things to say about the school. WOW...God is so amazing!

Knowing this is the exact school God intended for Isaac to attend has given me such a great peace about letting him go. Anytime I have felt anxious about him being there, the Holy Spirit has reminded me that this is where he is meant to be...and I have felt complete assurance and peace. It helps that the director and his two teachers have been so supportive and encouraging....and that they love the Lord! Unfortunately, my friend isn't going to be his teacher, but I'm so thrilled with the two that are!

We all loaded up in the van this morning to see Isaac off for his first day. He was very excited and didn't seem to be anxious or nervous at all. In fact, before we left, I was talking to him and encouraging him and told him that we live very close to his school and if he ever needs me, just to tell his teacher and I could be there very fast. Well, he says to me, "Mommy, I don't want you to come there till school is over." "If I need anything, I will ask my teacher."

When we got to the door, he turned around and said bye to all of us and walked right in....so we walked right out.

When he got home he said it was great and told me a few of the things he did....played outside, sang songs, played games, colored, talked to his teachers, ate his snack. He had only good things to say about it : )

Yesterday, Isaac asked Eric about 10 times, "Eric, are you going to miss me when I'm at school." And Eric would answer every time, "Yeah!" And Eric did ask for Isaac several times this morning...then he would say, "Bye-bye Isaac...School." So, when Isaac got back home, I told him we missed him while he was gone. Then I asked him, "Did you miss us?" He said, "No, not at all." "I didn't even think about you all once in my head." I said, "That's so great!!" "I'm glad you didn't miss us and you had such a great time!"

I didn't think I would get teary eyed, but I did as we drove home. Not because I was sad, and not because I was scared, but because my first baby is starting a new season in his life. It's an amazing thing to watch your child grow, learn, change, and develop. It's overwhelming. As they do, I seem to grow, learn, change, and develop right along with them....and I can't imagine doing it without looking to the Lord for guidance and direction every step of the way.

1 comment:

  1. This post made me smile. I'm so glad his first few days of Pre K went well! He is so independent! You are such a good mom :)
