Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Christmas in Kentucky 2009

Lauren is like....."Sarah, you are cute, but kind of close".....LOL : )

Grammy's 5 precious baby dolls.
Eric chillin with his Papap
Auntie Cindy with Princess Lauren

Cousin Nathan and Eric were givin each other some lovins

Isaac sitting on his Great Auntie Lala's lap

Mammy snugglin with Lauren

Grammy reading a story to 3 of her doll babies from the "club house" (the new trundle bed for Isaac and Nathan)
Mammy and Lauren


These are some amazing waffles! I found this recipe online a few months back and made a few changes to it and they have become a morning must in the Smith house. Yes, they are gluten free, sugar free, and dairy free :)

1 cup white or brown rice flour
1/2 cup corn starch
1/2 cup potato starch
1/2 tsp xanthum gum
1/2 teaspoon salt
3 teaspoons baking powder
1 1/2 cups rice milk (I use vanilla rice milk so it adds even more flavor)...(plus some)
2 eggs
4 tablespoons vegan butter, melted and cooled

Combine the dry ingredients.
Mix together the 1 1/2 cups milk and eggs; stir in the butter.
Stir the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients.
Add additional milk until you get a batter a little thicker than pancake batter.
Spread a ladle full or so of batter onto the waffle iron and bake until the waffle is done, usually 3 to 5 minutes, depending on your iron.

For Unto Us a Child Is Born....

We had Christmas dinner with the Antuna's. Check out baby Beck (5 months old) drinking from his sister's cup and holding it all by himself!!! Daddy wasn't so happy about the cup being pink, but decided to obliged :)
Lauren really got into tearing the paper by the end of the gift opening....check her out!! Oh, this was her first baby sweet.

Scott opening his gift from Isaac, Eric, and Lauren. Some new dress pants.
Isaac is pretty excited about this one! A mini school desk to help him learn and write his letter.

Look at Eric's face...he is so happy with his new space rocket!

Lauren crawling over to check out the space toys.

Lauren is so happy with her new ball is Isaac :)
.......Our Christmas celebration was amazing! Happy Birthday Jesus....we love you!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Christmas Eve Eve Party w/ the Hermes

Eric helping make the gingerbread cookies for the party
Isaac helping make the cookies. He's SO excited here :) I found a really great recipe for sugar free, gluten free, dairy free gingerbread cookies. They turned out so good and so yummy!! We made them the night before the party and the boys both ate one and Lauren and I shared one too.
I put our favorite "icing".....Suzanne's Rice Mellow sugar but so good!! Isaac is decorating his cookie with carob chips, sprinkles, and almonds....mmmm.

Audrey giving me a big smile after she decorated her cookie.

Megan is helping her with the sprinkles.

Isaac opening his gift. We learned a big lesson this day. Isaac wasn't so thankful for his gift when he opened it (not sure if you can tell by the look on his face). This was the first time this had ever happened and I wasn't quite sure what to do. We had to leave the room for a bit so we could have a talk. After the party we talked about it again. And at nap time we prayed about it as well. I really tried to explain to him that we need to be thankful for any gift we matter how big or small.....b/c it is a gift given from someone who cares for us. And we should recieve should be happy to recieve it...even if it is something we didn't want. I also asked him how he would feel if he gave someone a gift and they didn't like it. By the end of the party he had decided he loved his gift and has enjoyed it a couple of times since (it was a coloring book and a paint by numbers craft). Audrey opening her present. She was SO excited to open her serious :)

Eric was so thrilled with his gift, he left the action, went to the table, and started coloring his picture right away. I had to get him down from the table just to say good bye.

Abey opening her gift. She loved her little pony and it's hair.

Isaac and Audrey helping Lauren open her gift.