Saturday, December 19, 2009

The BIG Snow

So I don't think we are gonna be able to leave our house for a while. It has been snowing since 8pm last night and it's still snowing. I think we have almost 2 feet!! If we don't it's very close.

I took Isaac, Eric, and Lauren out this morning, but they only lasted about 5 minutes. The wind was blowing a little and the snow was blowing in their faces, so they wanted to go in. So, unfortunately, I didn't get any pictures of them in their snow gear, but I did get some pictures of the snow. I also got a picture of what Eric got into :) He was trying to put lotion on his belly....I had to get a picture of this LOL

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Christmas Decorations

Here are some pictures of us putting up our Christmas tree a couple of weekends ago. We had so much fun putting it together. The boys put all the decorations on, so I had to move some of them up a bit. And it was so cute. We have lots of different decorations that are not really breakable or expensive, and if they do break, they won't hurt anyone. Some of them are little red birds. Well, it seems Eric was the one who put the majority of the birds on the three, and he put them all in one spot. I got a cute picture of it. And Isaac got to put the star on the top of the tree this year. He was so proud! Lauren just enjoyed watching and playing with some of the decorations.

Lauren is Crawling

Lauren was 10 months old on Thursday, December 10th. The next day, she started crawling!! Can't believe our baby girl is growing up so fast. Check her out!!!